Biology Labs

Biology is concerned about the live of animals, plant, human and microorganism. Biology Description, Cell Structure, Immobilized Enzymes, Isotonic Drink Recipe, BIOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM, New 7 Wonders of The World, DNA Molecule Model, Making Plastic from Potato, Primary Growth Requirements, Bacteria Culture, laboratory acreditation

Friday, September 15, 2017

Biology Description

What actually Biology study about?

As on my high school we already studied biology is learn about our body organ, the arrangement or location, and working order or function. Also we study about many kind of animals and also animals digestive system. But biology is not just that field, biology is include very wide field about living world.

Biology is the science of living systems. It is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring knowledge of the physical sciences and mathematics, although specialties may oriented toward a group of organisms or a level of organization. Botany is concerned with plant life, Zoology with animal life, algology with algae, Mycology with fungi, microbiology with microorganisms such as protozoan and bacteria, cytology with cells, and so on.

All biological specialties, however, are concerned with life and characteristics. These characteristics include cellular organization, metabolism, response to stimuli, development and growth, and reproduction. Furthermore, the information needed to control the expression of such characteristics is contained within each organism.

Fundamental Disciplines of Biology

Life is divided into many levels of organization, atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organ systems, organisms, and populations. The basic disciplines of biology may study life at one or more of these levels.

Taxonomy attempt to arrange organisms in natural groups based on common features. It is concerned with the identification, naming, and classification of organisms. The discipline of ecology is concerned with the interrelationships of organism, both among themselves and between them and their environment. Studies of the energy flow through communities of organisms and the environment (the ecosystem approach) are especially valuable in assessing the effects of human activities.

Organisms respond to stimuli from other organisms and from the environment; behaviors are concerned with these responses. Most of them study animals, as individuals, groups, or entire species, in describing animal behavior patterns. These patterns include animal migration, courtship and mating, social organization, territoriality, instinct, and learning. When human are included, biology are overlaps with psychology and sociology. Growth and orientation responses of plant can also be studied in the discipline of behavior, although they are traditionally considered as belonging under development and physiology, respectively.



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