Color Changes on Animal and Plant
Color Change in Animals as Biological Effect
Color on animal and plants can cause by body biological effect, some color originated from pigments. Color on bird body hair can cause by light effect that reflected certain light rays and eliminate other colors. Bird do not have true blue pigment color, but can see like have blue color because of reflection light result and look like of blue metallic color. Animals colors have distinctive color pattern to attract males or group member or to warn away some predators, plant use color to aid pollination that attract to animals help on the process.
Some animals can resemblance color to the surroundings, this way use to conceal both predator and prey. Warning coloration (usually in insects and fish) consists of bold markings that warn predator away from inedible, or mimic. This deceptive coloration is called as Batesian Mimicry. Albinos are plants or animals that have no color if normally for this animals have color. True albinism is inherited. Albino in plant can cause by lack of chlorophyll substances, this substance is used for photosynthesis process, they are unable to live unless supplied with species nutrients.
Some technology of color for painting is imitated from this coloration system on the animals and plant. Usual color is made from metal chemical reaction but for improved coloring technology have imitated from the bird coloring process that not just color mixing but depend on the reflection effect of light that will shown. From this color effect than exist of new color that look more interesting like metallic color at car and motorcycle.