Biology Labs

Biology is concerned about the live of animals, plant, human and microorganism. Biology Description, Cell Structure, Immobilized Enzymes, Isotonic Drink Recipe, BIOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM, New 7 Wonders of The World, DNA Molecule Model, Making Plastic from Potato, Primary Growth Requirements, Bacteria Culture, laboratory acreditation

Friday, July 15, 2011

Green Lizard Intelligent

Even intelligent of animals make we are confused of it, because every animals have created with their own ability that sometime beyond the human ability. The different of human, animals ability sometime can’t or difficult to develop because this very limited with the grasp of animals brain. But some animals can learn from their activity of day by day.

Green Lizard
As the researchers from Duke University, USA, found that the tropical lizard Anolis evermanni have the ability to solve problems. Green lizard has high intelligence.

Based on experiments conducted by Prof. Manual Lead from Duke University, the lizard is able to reverse the sort of dish. Behind the plate is hidden worms, the lizard's favorite food.

One way to hit the disc upside down. "I was surprised with this method," said Lead on Wednesday (07/13/2011), told the BBC.