Production and Nature Spoiling
Every year not less than 1017 gram or about 100 billion ton of organic materials are produced in the world by photosynthesis process of organisms. About the same amount will oxidized back become CO2 and H2O with the same time interval result from respiratory process of life organism. A small fraction but real, organic materials that resulting drawn and become fossil without use and spoiling process. The excess of organic materials, will release oxygen gas and replace CO2 from the air through respiration that conversely completely, that resulting of accumulating of oxygen in atmosphere to the high level.
On the new generation like now the process in the atmosphere happen is vice versa and the accumulation of oxygen is used after the Industrial revolution. This changes of nature changes is supposed causing Climate downing and freezing alternately happen. The activity of Agro Industry have real effect in increase of CO2 concentration at least 13 percent.